Thursday, 24 February 2011

Mad, bad, sad fuckin Day!

Today was a wierd one...after a quiet bob in the boat, on the tilt in the Thames, post the daily email catch-up;
I ventured to 'Lassco' at Vauxhall for a coffee and a chat with a very nice young lady whom is offering help for the arts & music festival I began creating last year. We had a very enlightening, productive chat and then left each other to begin dreaming of more creative escapisms that could occur at this summers' festival.

After that I met some more top people and discussed the potential for art at the festival and also after-party shenanigans post the faithful event (Little London Fields Pt II). I'm really struggling to get to grips with ANY artwork as my life is extraordinarily hectic, Ive moved temporarily onto this boat with dog and girlfriend in towe..awaiting the next 'home'. We found a very nice place, nestled betwixt Dalston & Shoreditch, though it's a tad expensive. I know it's possibly a bridge too far, but we shall see how all pans out.

I promise that I will come back with some thought provoking stuff, I have been too influenced too easily in the past and have meandered through art-life without stopping to really look at myself and my output. At present, my work appears transient and pretty possibly is but I don't like it this way. Expect more, soon!

My puppy just fell into the silt between the boat an the pier and nearly drowned, I had to grab her by her throat to rescue her from the dank depths of the squelch. She looked pretty worried, all fuzzy and fretting; clean now and ready for bed (thank god) she's a terror!

Honesty is the best policy, let's begin by being so in our blogs....

