Absolutely worthy of a blog post....been working on a painting which contains a completely random symbol or pattern from the floor that a model was perched on in a fashion mag, I extracted the symbol and began to repeat it as a motif to my current output/ painting series. During a break I went and watched 'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes'. When the main monkey is in his cell, he begins to draw....the bloody symbol i've been painting for the last month?!! Am I a monkey, is he clever than me, who stole from who, is it coincidence? IS the monkey telling me i'm onto something?! What the hell does this mean?!?! ...and tea.
Peak District - LA - London contact artist Direct@info@alexdaw.com or visit alexdaw.com
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Rise Of the repetition.....
Absolutely worthy of a blog post....been working on a painting which contains a completely random symbol or pattern from the floor that a model was perched on in a fashion mag, I extracted the symbol and began to repeat it as a motif to my current output/ painting series. During a break I went and watched 'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes'. When the main monkey is in his cell, he begins to draw....the bloody symbol i've been painting for the last month?!! Am I a monkey, is he clever than me, who stole from who, is it coincidence? IS the monkey telling me i'm onto something?! What the hell does this mean?!?! ...and tea.